4MAT - studies and research
Below, you can download research on 4MAT, and find links to various studies and dissertations on 4MAT.
Links - studies and latest research on 4MAT
Overview on independent studies on 4MAT
Psychometric Analyses (LBI), Marcus Lieberman,
ph.D., 2009
Download - research on 4MAT
Research Guide - the full version (2002)
RG sec. 0: Mission, Theoretical Assumption, Intro
& Content
RG sec. 1: Historical & Theoretical
RG sec. 2: Research in Pre-K through 12 School
RG sec. 3: Research in Post-Secondary
sec. 4: Articles on 4MAT and related topics
RG sec. 5: 4MAT Impact Studies
RG sec. 6: 4MAT Research Process Guide
RG sec. 7: 4MAT Suggested Readings
RG sec. 8: Technical
documentation, validation etc.
RG sec. 9: Indices; Author & Subject
4MAT & the human brain