4MAT Mastering Training Design
4MAT MTD - is an internationally recognized training programme used worldwide by people who work professionally with learning, development and management.
4MAT is a unique process model, based on a number of highly recognized theories about people development and learning. 4MAT is about the natural learning process and how you can create and/or optimize the learning and development environments.
Basic programme
- the four 4MAT learning styles
- your own learning style
- cerebral hemisphere preferences
- your own hemisphere preferences
- the fundamental theory of 4MAT
- designing and implementing the four
main phases of the learning process:
- to create meaning
- to conceptualize
- to develop and test skills
- to refine, apply and perspectivize
Qualifies for
- User Agreement: purchase and use of 4MAT profiles
- 4MAT Master Class (if availeble
through your 4MAT Partner)
- 4MAT Master Concept -
"Learning languages
4 at a Day"
- 4MAT Master Workshop - "4MAT Design"
- 4MAT
MTD Trainer education
Price & duration of class
Duration 3 days (09:00 - 16.30)
Price pr. person: DKK 13.750, - excl. VAT.
For more information
Call Hanne on (+45) 4040 3211 or write
to hh@4mat.dk
for more information.
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